JL PhysioFit Ltd is a purpose-built Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic and Pilates Studio based in Ponteland close to Newcastle upon Tyne.
Our highly experienced expert Physiotherapists can help with a range of problems including neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, sciatica and arthritis.
The vision for the clinic is to help everyone 'get back to their best' by offering expert assessments and treatments aimed at reducing pain and stiffness; thereby allowing a return to a more active life.
All our clinicians explain everything clearly as they go along - from the diagnosis to the treatments we use and why.
Alongside physiotherapy we also offer totally bespoke rehab programmes aimed at strengthening muscles and helping with pain.
We are Titleist Performance Institute Certified and offer Golf Screening and how to improve your 'swing'.
We also have a fully equipped 'Studio' where we hold our Pilates Classes. All classes are taught by an experienced Pilates Physiotherapist.  We cater for all levels and abilities. 
We do offer a FREE taster session for our classes.
Sports Massage is also offered at the clinic and is done by Physiotherapists only.

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