Aladin Brick Lane

Brick Ln, 132
London, E1 6RU
United Kingdom

Welcome to the Best Curry House in Brick Lane and as declared by many sources the Best Restaurant in London! Which serve curry to meet the needs of everyone. From saucy dishes to grills. The menu is large and extensive and quality is paramount. You will not leave this venue with regrets. You will smile with joy. Aladin was first opened in 1979 serving the Bangladeshi Migrant communities of the area. It was not long till others started to try the culinary delights of the venue and soon the clienteles were large and vast. Today Aladin is a busy and bustling place and with its close proximity to some of the best bars and clubs of the area it has now more to offer than just fine curry.

    ส่งข้อความไปที่ Aladin Brick Lane