Konnekt enables you to benefit from savings up to 58% on your previous telephone bills. You won't need to make any changes to your existing arrangements; we will do all the work for you.
Pay only for the time you use
Our rates are clear and leave nothing to the small print – and we can prove it. With our CRM system we offer customers the chance to follow their phone use in real time, any time of the day or night.
Easy to subscribe and unsubscribe
Unlike other phone companies, which are very easy to join but not so easy to leave, with Konnekt it is just as easy to unsubscribe as it is to subscribe - 24 hours a day, online or simply by calling 902 660 033. With no minimum time after contracting the service. Because we are sure our offers will always be of interest.
Best prices
Konnekt guarantees the lowest prices on the market. Fax your current phone bill to 932 720 876 and we will contact you with the solution that best fits your needs.
Personalised service
We are proud of being able to provide our customers with exceptional service. We have a personalised, multilingual helpdesk and will even help you set up new lines and deal with your current operator.
Quality connection
In Spain we have a national network with connections to all provinces that enables us to operate across the country. The Spanish network is based on a clear bandwidth where no type of compression technology is used, thus guaranteeing the best possible connection.
To ensure high-quality international calls, we have our own bandwidth for other European countries, such as Holland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, as well as the Middle East and Far East.
Our Network Operations Centre dynamically monitors the network and call traffic, ensuring we can anticipate our customers needs and always guarantee the quality we offer.
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