Colegio Maravillas

Avda. Salvador Vicente 9
Benalmádena - Málaga, 29631
Spain Show map
+34 952 447 000

The school is located on the top flooor of a modern building situated in Arroyo de la Miel / Benalmadena. The classes are small, comfortable equipped with air conditioning, TV, DVD, CD player and with an average of 8 students per group and a maximum of 10 participants. This help ensure personal attention and the opportunity for self expression. Our programme is based on 5 different levels, from beginners to advanced level students. The school is an accredited centre of the Instituto Cervantes and a registration centre for the DELE Examination.

We offer a wide range of courses for all ages and levels:

* Intensive, combination and Executive courses

* Courses for non-native teachers of Spanish ( teacher training)

* Preparation courses for the DELE Exam

* Courses for senior students (50+)

* Spanish for travel & tourism

* Spanish for school groups

* Intenational spring courses and summer camps for teenagers

* Academic year: baccalaurate courses

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