Genxsolutions Ltd, the UK's leading IT & Telecom Service Provider. We offer a full range of standard and bespoke business IT & Telecom packages tailored to suit your needs as a business. Our services allow us to manage your IT and phones systems and your day-to-day IT support needs.

Our systems and methodologies have been developed over the last few years and we believe we can support you better than anyone else. Our friendly "YES we can help" approach offers your business absolute peace of mind. Whatever the problem, large or small we can offer onsite and offsite solutions to suit your current needs, of course in a very reasonable cost.

Genxsolutions is the name of one-stop shop for your all IT needs. From the first day of your business we welcome you, our server starting from domains, E-mail, Data Sharing, Security and Backup in Client-Server environment/ Cloud computing, Fix or VoIP line with fastest fibre optics broadband and Fax2e-mail service.


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