Massage being an Ancients Art of Healing, where different method and techniques may be used to ease muscle tension, ease inner conflict of today stressful environment by appliying such techniques to tailor make the massage to suit your needs!

The use of Aromatherapy Oils  are used to stimulate and uplift the Senses, Body Mind and Soul!

To Experience a warm rejuvinating massage with a Sensual Touch, for both men and woman!

Please call me 0501432769 for more  information.

 ( Health and Skin care Therapist and Massage therapis, Reiki therapist)

I am Portuguese/ German born in South Africa

Worked at Madinat Jumeirah Talise Spa for two year

Sheika In Bahrain and a ladies Club under Princess Fadah in Saudi Arabia, and Six Senses Spa In Oman

(website is underconstruction - soon to be available)

    Contactar con el anunciante

    +971 501 432 769