If you are buying a property in Portugal definitely it is advisable to get legal assistance from a Lawyer. It is totally unacceptable that you proceed with the purchase process without getting full protection from someone who is professional qualified and can assume the responsability for the correct advice for your case.
And if you deal with a real estate agent who has told you that you don`t need legal assistance it is obviously that this agent is not a high level qualified person and has no acknowledge of the high risk that he is creating for the person who is buying the property, you. It is a serious subject and it demonstrate lack of professionalism.
When you buy a property the legal search must include several issues as:
- Ownership (Who were and are the owners? Successive Owners? How they did acquire? Their marriage status?, etc). The idea is to find out about who is entitled to sell, who has full legitimacy.
- Description of the property (are you buying the correct property, what is the caracteristics of the property? will it be able to serve your purposes?)
- Fiscal history of the property (Find out about taxes and fiscal obligations on the property due to other transactions happened in the past; to check if there is fiscal debts)
- Licenses (it is required to check if the property is licensed for the use that you to make of the property, check drawings and planning permissions)
COSTS: the legal fees and expenses:
You will have to support the payment of the notary and registration fees; the purchase tax and the duty stamp; the utilities contracts (water, electricity and gas) and the fee with the legal assistance. If you wish to have a break down of costs please send us an enquiry to [...] This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .