ICT Innovations is a a team of open source telephony professionas with more than 5 years working experience in telecom industry
We provide solutions and services based on re-known open source applications like Asterisk, ICTFAX,ICTInvoice Freepbx ,A2billing, Freeswitch, Astbill and Opensips, have in depth experience of working with with LAMP platform and Open Source Content Management System Drupal.
We have contributed following open source projects to community
ICTFAX http://www.ictfax.org
ICTDialer http://www.ictdialer.org
ICTInvoice http://www.ictinnovations.com
Also we have developed ICTBroadcast, a commercial open source appliction ,
ICTBroadcast is web based multi tenant sms, fax , voice broadcasting solution for service providers to offer broadcasting services to their clients, It features smart autodialler , smart predictive dialer and Inbound campaign support
Please visit following link for more details
Service Description
We support and provide services to open source telephony applications like Elastix, A2billing ,FreePBX, ICTInvoice, ICTFAX and Drupal
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