International Journal of Science, Management and Advanced Research Technology” is an open-access electronic journal arranged by IJSmart Publishing Company. “International Journal of Science, Management and Advanced Research Technology” publishes peer-reviewed research articles on science, management, and technology. Articles include research papers, review papers, short reports, and books.
All submitted articles:
- Must be original
- Must be previously unpublished research results
- Must be experimental or theoretical
- And will be peer-reviewed
- May not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during the review period
Open Access and Article Processing Charge (APC)
All articles published in “International Journal of Science, Management and Advanced Research Technology” are published in full open access. In order to provide free access to readers, and to cover the costs of peer review, copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, and journal management, an article processing charge of 8000 PKR for a research article, 3000PKR for Short Report, 10,000 PKR for a review paper and 15,000PKR for book publications.
Research Paper = 8000 PKR
Review Paper = 10,000 PKR
Short Reports = 3000 PKR
Book = 15,000 pkr
NOTE: Authors of all accepted manuscripts are obligated to adapt the layout of their papers according to the journal's template. If the authors are unable to adapt their submitted manuscript to our template, the “International Journal of Science, Management and Advanced Research Technology” support crew may provide this service for the authors by charging a Template Support Fee of 2500 PKR.
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