dameJOB is a network between German companies and qualified employees (especially Spanish candidates), that will help you to find the job that you are looking for in Germany.

On our website, you will find all the relevant information that you may need, and how to keep in contact with the dameJOB team. The team is made up of two Spanish people and two German people, who will, thanks to their own experience in both countries, will help and consult you to find a job in Germany.

All you need to do is answer the 10 questions for the survey on our website. Once dameJOB has analysed your answers, and if your profile fits the requirements from a German company, the team will be in touch with you.

Through this free evaluation, you will receive personalised consultations, and all the details you need to find a job in Germany.

The website also contains all the information you need to move to Germany. As well as this, it has a blog from Marta, a member of the dameJOB team, who will tell you about her experiences since arriving in Germany.

Take the survey now:


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