The Lady Elizabeth School in Javea, Spain is a highly reputable international school with a British curriclulum and we provide an exciting, international environment for pupils to learn and mature into confident and independent people. When they leave they will be “young adults” who are well equipped to meet the challenges of life head on, be successful in whatever field they choose, and are armed with the skills and personal qualities that will allow them to thrive in this increasingly competitive world.
Those pupils who leave us at the end of the Sixth Form are 'on the verge of adulthood'. Together with each individual we have worked hard to make sure they are happy and confident and have been stretched - academically, physically, creatively, and emotionally.
Our core focus is the academic life of the School; we value, develop and support every pupil's academic ability, nurturing excellence at the highest levels and guiding those who find work a little harder. Around this is a programme of activities and life beyond the classroom that offers a wide range of opportunities in sport, music, drama and the creative arts as well as in the essential qualities of leadership and responsibility.
We are extremely proud of the development of the personality, character and intellect of all our pupils and the way in which they overcome their challenges, and we look forward to celebrating their achievements during the course of this academic year.
Please come and see what makes Lady Elizabeth such an exciting place for your family.
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