Ronix Tools stands as a leading German wholesale company, renowned for its excellence in supplying premium industrial tools and equipment to a global clientele of importers, wholesalers, and distributors.
With a well-appointed 30,000m2 warehouse, Ronix guarantees the swift fulfillment of orders, ensuring they are ready for shipment within a mere 15 days. Ronix adopts a negotiable approach when it comes to Minimum Order Quantities (M.O.Q), accommodating the unique needs of each client. Additionally, Ronix offers unique advertising services, crafted by its in-house Ronix Branding Agency, to empower its customers to achieve optimal revenue growth, something that can’t be seen in any other tool brand.
Leaning against five core pillars of quality, variety, reasonable pricing, responsibility, and customer services over the past years, Ronix has become a class-leading brand in the tools industry. Its products can be seen on every shelf in stores in different countries worldwide.
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