As one of the top family law and divorce attorney firms in Orlando, FL, we understand that divorce, child custody, and other situations that require a family lawyer can be one of the most stressful and painful times of your life. No one expects to need to hire a divorce attorney and the legality of everything can be quite confusing.

You do have options and you do have a chance of coming out of the other side happy.

Our team of lawyers at Grigaltchik & Galustov can help you navigate the sometimes tricky world of divorce and family law, helping to solve disputes that require delicacy and compassion but aggressiveness at the same time: divorce, child custody, domestic violence and abuse, and changing custody agreements. We can help with asset distribution, enforcement, relocation, and modification.

Even more importantly, our team will explain everything to you so that you walk away feeling like you have all of the tools you need to move on with your life. Divorce and custody battles can leave everyone feeling untethered and lost, so our aim is to fight for what is best and then help you to keep it.

Our team of divorce lawyers and family lawyers at Grigaltchik & Galustov is here for you throughout every stage of the game. You can be confident that you will have the best attorneys fighting for you and representing you. In cases where your reputation is taken into consideration, you need to have a team with a good one backing you up, which is where we come into play

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