The Korea Industrial Technology Association(KOITA), founded in 1979 to support the establishment of corporate R&D centers and to strengthen the innovation capabilities of Korean companies, is the nations preeminent institution contributing to the advancement of industrial research and development.
The strong networks KOITA has established among its 9,000 member companies contribute to the enhancement of technological competitiveness and even economic growth through technology cooperation and information sharing.
KOITA performs various activities to meet the needs of its members, such as supporting the establishment and operation of corporate R&D centers, formulating R&D support policies, operating award programs to boost researchers morale, organizing networking events to foster technological cooperation among companies, and executing numerous government-commissioned R&D support initiatives. KOITA is determined in particular to become the premier institution specializing in technology management by intensively researching this field and disseminating the results.
Based on its existing efforts and achievements, KOITA will make every endeavor to foster the growth of industrial technology.
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