KidsProgress is a language school designed for kids where English and French are taught in a playful way. Kids will be encouraged to speak via games, puzzles and exercises requiring spontaneous communication with their peers. Thanks to small groups each child will have a chance to express himself during the lessons.

How will the school accomplish these objectives?

  • Children will learn to express themselves spontaneously, using the words and phrases they know.
  • Experienced teachers- native speakers will adapt the programme and teaching methods to the needs and energy of the group to make it the most effective.

The courses at KidsProgress are great for beginners, between 8-12 years, as well as for those, who, despite learning the language at school, do not feel comfortable to open up and speak. 

The classes will take place at Centre Culturel Altrimenti

Centre Convict

5 Avenue Marie-Thérèse 

L – 2132 Luxembourg




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