If you are new here in Qatar or resident in Qatar you can refer to our website http://www.edudirectory.qa . Qatar Educational Directory has provided parents with complete, accurate, valuable and comprehensive information about all the Nurseries , Kindergartens , independent schools , private and international schools, colleges,universities,special need centers , training centers , English education centers in Qatar.

Qatar Educational Directory gives you detailed information, such as their grades, curriculum, the language, the age and date of admission…. information to families inquiring about educational options from pre-K to post-secondary.

Qatar Educational Directory is divided into the following main categories :

  • Nurseris & Kindergartens In Qatar
  • Independent Schools In Qatar
  • Private & International Schools In Qatar
  • Colleges & Universities In Qatar
  • Special Need Centers In Qatar
  • Training Centers In Qatar
  • English Education Centers In Qatar

For more informations visit our website

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